100 Years
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You've heard it said before: it's not what you know, it's who you know. For decades now, J.H. Williams Oil Co. has been a member of the Florida Petroleum Marketer's Association. Several times a year we get together with its membership, and we regularly stay in touch with many friends and industry peers, who we've gotten to know through our association with FPMA. Recently, FPMA merged with the Florida Retail Federation. Our strength in numbers is an invaluable asset, as all of us have the mutual goal of being successful business owners within the state of Florida. Whether we are advocating for legislation, attending educational seminars, or sharing advice with one another on lessons we've learned from trial and error, J.H. Williams Oil Co. has always seen great benefit in being a member of this group. Both J.H. Williams Jr. and J. Hulon Williams III served as President of FPMA. Hulon was recently inducted into the FPMA Hall of Fame. Rosemary has served on the board and J.H. is currently involved with the YEO committee.
Mr. Williams has been chairman of the nation-wide Petroleum Marketer's Association. Along with that role he has halso served on the jobber council for several of our brands. Staying informed and connected within the industry is key. We believe it is important to be aware of what's going on in the community.
Members of the Williams family regularly participate on community-oriented boards and committees. J.H. Williams Oil Co. is proud to be a part of Tampa Bay, and the State of Florida as a whole.